Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Posting Time

Hi everybody. How about these numbers? This is going much better than even I had imagined.

I feel like I should give a rough estimate of when to expect picks to be posted... I can't post until Vegas sets up all of their lines, which can be anywhere between 11 am and 2 pm. So, expect picks by 2 pm at the latest, maybe. If something happens where I can't get the picks posted by 2, check back later, cuz' I'm not going to miss a day.

Also, I'd like to ask the regular visitors, satisfied customers, angry mob to give me some feedback. Tell me what you like, don't understand, suggestions, etc. I promise I won't put you on any email list or sell your email to scumbag spammers.

Is everyone as excited for the playoffs as I am? I'll be sure to simulate the whole thing before it starts- just for fun. But keep coming back, cause the individual games will still by predicted.

Thanks all; good luck and don't get greedy,

Black Box Sports

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